THE POEMS photographic for blind people

I have blind friends, but as a photographer, it is hard for me to define my works to them, especially to those suffering from congenital blindness. Therefore, I always think, though in the era with overflowing images, people are fed up with photography, I would like to design a photography work to help them to understand our perspective world.
Then comes forth the photo anthology of poems for the blind.
Inspired by braille, I try to transform photograph to metal plate like anaglyph. Then I selected my favorite poem “History Museum” and invited my blind friend to translate it to braille and made it into a metal anthology in form of Chinese albums, viz. one page poem is accompanied with one page of picture.
This poem album, for us, the sighted, are unreadable, therefore we should ask the blind people to translate it for us. Though seeing is believing, actually, many realities on the earth can be felt only when we close our eyes.
Material: iron
Dimention: 400cm x 40cm
Edition: 1